What is your ALLERGEN disclosure statement?
Our Commercial Kitchen located in Miamisburg, Ohio is licensed and certified by Ohio Department of Agriculture under the U.S. Department of Agriculture / Food & Drug Administration. We have researched the importance of allergens in food processing which is why we still currently produce our Craft Seasonings in our own facility.
We DO NOT process any tree nuts, peanuts, soy, dairy, wheat, fish, shellfish, egg or sesame seeds in our facility. However, we do purchase other seeds such as hemp seeds, flax seeds, and chia seeds. These are NOT from the tree nut family; however, there are rare occasions of allergies to these seeds so please be aware prior to purchasing our seasonings that contain these seed ingredients. Additionally, though we do not process any of the top 8 allergens in our facility, the hemp seeds, flax seeds and chia seeds that we purchase may be stored by the vendors from whom we purchase in a facility where tree nuts are also stored, so please be aware that prior to our obtaining the seeds and processing them in our nut-FREE kitchen, they may prior be stored at other facilities that store tree nuts.